Scale your service area with a customized AI agent

Reduce up to 85% of your load with support without changing tools.


How we help our customers

Claudia is an artificial intelligence designed to drastically reduce your support load and enhance your customer service experience.


average reduction in support tickets


higher CSAT percentage compared to traditional bots

15 days

average time for accuracy achievement

How it works

It's very easy to get started

Claudia is an AI agent that instantly responds to your customers and executes your processes, reducing your team's support load by up to 85%.
Import your past support policies and tickets.
Customize and personalize the tone of voice.
Conduct simulation audits and calibrate your agent before activating it with real customers.
Activate the Claudia in your system with just one license. No technical development required.

Import your content and easily customize your support policies and processes.

Centralize information from Google Docs, Notion, FAQs and even from past real tickets! Our platform makes it easy to import and customize content, ensuring efficient and consistent support operations.


Easily customize and define a unique tone of voice for your company


Watch ClaudIA learn from your feedback

Evaluate and correct ClaudIA's responses in real time. Improve response accuracy without the hassle and technical knowledge.

Activate Claudia in your system with just one license.

Just grant a license on your helpdesk. It's as simple as adding a new agent :)

Integrated helpdesks

Available channels


Create integrated workflows and enable Claudia to query and modify data in any database.

Easily integrate any database with "drag and drop" workflows. Watch ClaudIA execute the same processes as your team.


Essential indicators for data-driven decision-making

Claudia assigns contact-reason tags to each ticket. Identify which topics require content review.
Monitor performance and the percentage of issues resolved in real time.

Your data safe and secure

Cloud Humans does not share your data with any company.
Security suite
GDPR compliant
Encrypted data

Experiências de clientes

"65% dos nossos usuários que interagem com a ClaudIA não precisam de ajuda humana. É outro patamar".

Na primeira semana já conseguimos reduzir em mais de 80% o tempo de primeira resposta aos nossos Clientes, mantendo um alto nível de CSAT”.

"Reduzimos em 20% o nosso budget de contratação de pessoas. A ClaudIA opera como primeiro nível e resolve sozinha mais da metade dos tickets"

"Além de reduzir em mais da metade da nossa carga de tickets, a ClaudIA é uma das nossas melhores vendedoras"

"Em uma semana a ClaudIA já estava fazendo o trabalho de 3 agentes. Foi muito fácil implementar e impressionante ver ela evoluir"

"A ClaudIA reduziu 65% dos nossos tickets. Não se compara com a nossa arquitetura de chatbot anterior."

"Conseguimos escalar mais enxutos. Nosso time investe mais tempo calibrando a ClaudIA e menos apagando incêndios".


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