What is Voice of the Customer? Learn the importance and how to implement it in your company

The Voice of the Customer is a tool aimed at capturing details and feedback from the consumer's experience with the brand. Learn more!

More than ever, digital transformation brought the need for companies to invest more and more in the consumer experience and place them as the main reference for the success of any business. In this context, a tool plays a major role in company strategy: do you know what Voice of the Customer (VoC) is?

Also known as Voice of Customer, this feature is a systematic way to align the company's strategic and operational planning according to the customer's main pain and needs.

And this is not simply about service at the time of sale, but rather the integration of efforts from various areas, from product development to commercial development, to ensure that every point in the consumer's buying journey is covered.

And the impact of this measure is mainly visible on customer loyalty: Companies that invest in Voice of the Customer have an average increase of 15 to 20% in retention indicators, in addition to reducing costs by up to 25% in this process, according to Gartner.

Isn't it amazing? So how about learning a little more about capturing the Voice of the Customer, its importance and how to implement this program in your business? Come with us and we will explain it to you!

What is Voice of the Customer?

In general, the Voice of the Customer consists of a series of expectations, needs, and feedback from consumers of a brand regarding a specific service or product.

It is developed based on a systematic collection of customer information. In this way, it is possible to detect key elements that must be taken into account when designing internet processes and developing the solution that the company wishes to sell.

The Voice of the Customer, for example, can research consumers' expectations and pain regarding:

  • quality of the content produced;
  • speed of service;
  • price of the product;
  • agility between the decision and the closing of a purchase;
  • and much more!

The fact is that all services and products offered by a company that has contact at any point in the consumer journey must be strategically thought out based on the information collected with the Voice of the Customer.

Why is the Voice of the Customer important?

Retaining customers

The importance of the Voice of the Customer can be perceived in several ways. The first of these reflects the increase in efficiency and resource management. As we showed in the introduction, Gartner data speaks of savings of up to 25% in customer retention.

More profit from sales

In addition, how the Voice of the Customer provides a more personalized and targeted action plan to resolve customer pain and, consequently, lead them to conversion into sales. According to Bain & Co, when the customer experience meets all expectations, profits tend to grow from 4% to 8%.

Higher quality of service

An organization focused on the Voice of the Customer can build a solid database with feedback and strategic insights that can serve to further improve its end-to-end performance, such as product development, marketing campaigns, and service.

In the case of interaction with the public, the company will have in hand all the service metrics and inputs available to create a knowledge management for respectful service, with techniques and principles aimed at agility, fine-tuning of the tone of voice, and empathy with the consumer.

Customer Voice Example

But, after all, how to capture the Customer's Voice? The process may be simpler than you imagine, you just need to have organization, understand your objectives and make the right investment to achieve them.

Know exactly what type of information you want to gather from your audience to get the right insights. For example, you want to know:

  • How was the quality of service?
  • Was the support efficient in answering questions?
  • Is the customer satisfied with the speed of delivery of the product?
  • Was the quality of the product or service satisfactory?
  • Why did the customer abandon the shopping cart?

All of these questions can generate valuable answers from your audience that, in turn, only tend to enhance the customer experience and the brand's position ahead of competitors.

And how do you get that kind of information? In times of digital transformation, the forms are various:

  • Consultation of customer satisfaction by email, website, chat, or phone;
  • spontaneous feedback on social networks, comment boxes on the site or on Google My Business;
  • direct interview with the consumer;
  • short and objective surveys, such as the Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • among other possibilities.

Finally, collecting information for the Voice of the Customer is essential to offer increasingly personalized services and services that meet the expectations of your consumers, in addition to building a solid knowledge base to guide internal processes.

If you need a little help with that, Cloud Humans helps its partners in building and managing this knowledge base. In addition, it connects your company with professionals empowered by automation, ensuring a humanized, fast and assertive service or your money back.

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