5 advantages of distance learning that you need to know!

If you are looking to modernize your company, learn about the main advantages of distance learning training and find out if the time has come to adopt it!

Employee training is essential to update knowledge and acquire new skills for everyday life. But this training must be adapted to the routine and reality of your company. That's why it's important for you to know what the advantages of distance learning are.

After all, if you've ever tried to implement training but didn't get the expected results, this may have happened because of the wrong format you chose for that training.

If you still have questions regarding distance learning, know that according to a survey conducted by the Brazilian Training and Development Association found that 69% of the trainings were done online in Brazil in 2021.

That's why in this article you will learn what it is and what are the advantages of distance learning training. Only then will you be able to assess if this could be a good one for your company!

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What is the importance of training for companies?

Before discovering the advantages of distance learning training, it is important that you understand the importance of training for companies.

Training is essential for a modern company that seeks to constantly update itself. They bring a series of benefits to your company, such as:

  • Improved productivity;
  • Competitive advantage;
  • Increased motivation among employees;
  • Talent retention.

But to achieve these benefits, it is necessary that the training format be in accordance with the reality of the company and the employees. Would your company benefit from distance learning training?

What is EAD training?

O EAD training It is the practice of remotely developing new learning and skills within the corporate environment. In other words, employees undergo virtual dynamics in order to update themselves for the market.

Teaching is carried out through a AVA (Virtual Learning Environment). In it, all materials, classes, dynamics, and exercises are available for the employee to access via the internet.

But when and how do you know if there is a need to implement distance learning training in the company? If this is also your question, keep reading!

How to know if there is a need to implement distance learning?

If you have ever evaluated the need to implement distance learning training in your company but are still not completely convinced, you need to know if it will really benefit from this model.

To do this, you need to analyze how daily life works in your company, whether self-learning is encouraged and whether there is an environment conducive to the engagement of your employees.

In addition, see if your company has the necessary structure to provide good distance learning training. There are hosting platforms that offer several functionalities, making not only learning more dynamic, but also the monitoring of metrics simpler.

And now that you understand the importance of corporate training, what distance education is and how to know if there is a need to implement it in your company, it's time to learn about 5 advantages of distance learning training for companies!

5 advantages of distance learning training for companies

Below are 5 advantages of distance learning training that you need to know to advance the digital transformation and improve the performance of your employees.


E-learning training allows more flexibility for both the employee and the company, since it can be carried out from anywhere! And this can be very important for areas that do not work exactly with a routine and unforeseen events are common, such as teams of Attendance, for example.


The flexibility of distance learning also provides more autonomy for employees, as they stimulate self-learning. It is very beneficial, since this autonomy also results in greater motivation and a culture of continuing education.

Lower cost

The lower cost is another benefit of distance learning training. These trainings are easily scalable and can be replicated in several places at no extra cost. In addition, there are no traditional expenses of time, space rental, transportation, and food that face-to-face training requires.

Possibility to combine methodologies

Distance learning also allows the combination of various methodologies and multimedia content, which makes learning more dynamic and interesting. With a good hosting platform it is possible to provide tests, exercises, group dynamics, videos and much more!

Monitoring performance metrics

The process digital and systematized distance learning training allows for much easier and faster monitoring of metrics and performance. In this way, it is possible to map the performance of employees and correct possible problems more quickly and assertively.

Have you learned what are the advantages of distance learning?

In short, distance learning is a way of providing the learning of new skills and updating others of your employees. This allows greater automation of processes and the more modernized development of methodology of teaching and participation.

Precisely because it is remote training, it also offers more flexibility and guarantees a greater variety in terms of teaching types, dynamics, and theoretical and practical exercises.

And, now that you know everything about the advantages of distance learning, be sure to put what you've learned into practice and provide your employees with new knowledge on the subject.

This GP was written by EAD Platform, a platform for hosting and managing distance learning courses for schools, universities, companies, and digital producers. With more than 1,400 active clients, on EAD Plataforma you can find a simple, intuitive and easy to customize interface!


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