Noises when communicating via chat: causes + 3 tips to avoid

Understand what communication noises are, the types of noise, main causes, and tips on how to avoid them in customer service via chat.

A customer can seek assistance from a company's chat to solve a question or request support to solve a problem. Regardless of the reason, they need to receive clear and objective care, and for that, they cannot exist Communication noises.

Any point that makes it difficult to understand what he needs may lead to a delay in resolving the issue. Therefore, the extra time waiting still leaves the customer dissatisfied at the end of the service.

In fact, written communication requires more attention from the attendants so that the sentences are coherent and cohesive, which directly influences understanding.

Have you ever noticed how a comma in the wrong place changes the whole understanding of a sentence?

So, if your company offers chat service it is essential to identify what types of noises conversations are subject to, the causes and how to avoid them.

Continue reading the article and check out some tips to improve the quality of the work provided by the attendants.

Have a good read!

What is communication noise?

Communication noise can be defined as any barrier that prevents the transmission of a message effectively, affecting the understanding of the sender and/or the receiver.

During customer service, it is common to have some level of noise, especially if the customer does not know how to explain himself or if the attendant is not objective.

For this reason, it is important that the team is well trained to write clearly, concisely, and appropriate to the context of the communication.

Even writing, the attendant must be attentive to maintain the Tone of voice Of the company's communication and express empathy by customer demand.

5 types of communication noises in customer service

Now that you know what communication noise is, it's important to understand the types of noises that can interfere with the quality of customer service.

There are five types of noises that can affect communication. Check it out!

  1. Physical noises: ambient noises, such as telephone sounds calling, fans on, people talking, printers working, etc.
  2. Physiological noises: interferences such as tiredness, headache, difficulty seeing, among others.
  3. Psychological noises: problems with the receiver or transmitter at the time of service, such as nervousness.
  4. Semantic noises: use of language that makes it difficult to understand, such as technical terms that the customer does not understand.
  5. Technical noises: failures in the channel used, such as poor connection, delay in sending/receiving responses, and the like.

As we are emphasizing chat service, physical noise alone will not directly interfere with communication with the customer. All others can affect the quality of communication and prevent the understanding of the message.

That's why it's not enough to have software Service desk well configured. It is also necessary to invest in the organization of the environment, in a work scheme that allows breaks and, also, in trainings to improve writing.

What are the main causes of noise when communicating via chat?

Among the main causes of noise when communicating via chat, we can mention:

Disorganized environment

Writing requires focus and attention from the attendants. To do this, the work environment must be configured so that there is maximum silence, which favors the team's concentration.

The customer is not listening, but if the team is in a chaotic and disorganized environment, where people circulate between the tables and equipment is used, this can generate noises when communicating with the customer.

Lack of attention

Both the attendant and the customer can cause communication noises if they are not paying attention to the conversation.

It is common for a professional to answer more than one call at a time, especially during Peak service, which requires twice as much attention to follow the flow of conversations. Customers, in turn, usually start a service chat and do other tasks at the same time.

Thus, there must be an effort on both sides to be able to resolve the demands with agility.

Very specific language

Another cause of communication noise is when the attendant uses a very specific language, with technical terms that the customer is not familiar with.

This directly interferes with understanding and, if the attendant is explaining the step by step, the customer may have difficulty following up. Therefore, the company must prioritize the use of easy words when creating the knowledge base and alert the team to avoid complicated terms.

How to avoid communication noise in customer service?

Communication noises and their causes can be prevented by following good customer service practices via chat. Here's what to do to get your team's work done right.

1. Prioritize clear, concise, and useful communication

To avoid noise and to have effective communication when answering via chat, messages must be written in the following way:

  • clear: the attendants must write without creating ambiguities;
  • concise: get straight to the point in relation to the request made;
  • useful: advance the conversation by providing the information as requested.

2. Do refresher training

Another way to avoid communication noise is to keep the team updated and well trained to improve writing skills, valuing the conversational aspect. The topics can be suggested by the team itself so that the training sessions are well used.

Also read >>> How to do customer service training: 5 practical tips.

3. Rearrange team distribution

In addition to technical skills, it is important to think about the quality of the service team's work routine.

So that mental and physical tiredness does not cause communication noise, managers can reorganize team distribution, placing more attendants online during peak service, in addition to improving ticket distribution.

Invest in the quality of customer service

Do you want to increase customer satisfaction with the service that your company offers via chat? The first step is to evaluate current results to set new goals.

Do a free analysis of your performance indicators and receive important insights for your operation to become a service WOW!

By the way, the Cloud Humans helps your company to optimize service processes and those related to the customer experience so that the team provides a customer service humanized, fast and assertive.

To this end, we use, among other resources, technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) that guides the division of tickets between the attendants and the ideal volume for each one. In this way, the service is initiated, on average, from 30 seconds to 1 minute.


Talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help you achieve your business objectives.


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