Customer service roadmap: how does it impact quality?

Understand the benefits of the customer service script in the customer success strategy and its importance in the quality of processes.

When you think of customer service script, what comes to mind is robotic and plastered behavior? Know that this tool goes far from this and, if properly applied, can improve quality and reinforce the tone of voice of your service.

In this article, we explain what it is how to write a customer service itinerary, the benefits of using the tool, and how it reflects on the quality of customer experience strategy.

Read on and check it out!

What is a customer service roadmap?

The customer service script is a document that organizes the stages of the conversation and the most frequently asked questions and answers to guide the attendants in the interactions, according to the purpose of the contact.

For service, a script helps ensure that customers are served with quality, with objective answers regarding what they need.

In pre-sales, a humanized script helps maximize the lead's conversion potential, working on the right talking points.

Using a script as a reference, the attendant improves the efficiency of their answers, in addition to ensuring that they are giving the correct answer.

So, contrary to what many people think, a service script can be used very well when the focus is on offering a quality customer experience (CX) to customers.

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How to make a customer service itinerary?

The execution of the step by step to make a service itinerary involves important points such as:

  • definition of the type of itinerary (service, sales, etc.);
  • choice of the language used;
  • Marking of Tone of voice of communication;
  • the customer/audience profile;
  • the recurring demands in service.

Based on these points, the creation of the script is easier, also helping to describe how to start the conversation and the questions and answers involved in the context.

An example of a well-done customer service script must take into account the flexibility that human interactions require, the customer's emotions (positive or negative), and the use of words that demonstrate trust.

What are the benefits of a customer service itinerary?

In terms of customer experience, the main benefits of a humanized customer service itinerary are:

Optimizes team training

When the team is supported by a complete and well-written customer service script, both the onboarding of new attendants and refresher training can be faster.

This helps the attendant to be more agile and more confident in conversations, in addition to being more productive.

Increases service consistency

Imagine the chaos that would be if each attendant gave a different answer. The advantage of the customer service itinerary is precisely to ensure that Is the answer to a given question always the same.

In this way, processes and service are more consistent, strengthening the brand's image and tone of voice in conversations with customers.

Avoid predictable errors

Another benefit of investing in creating the customer service roadmap is that it can be built to avoid common communication and information errors.

This strategy also avoids errors in the flow of conversations that can hinder service progress and confuse the customer.

Consumers expect companies to know who they are and what they discussed earlier. Hence the importance of combining script and technology to avoid these problems.

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Gives the attendants more confidence

Dealing with clients can create some anxiety, but the humanized service script exists precisely for Guide and give confidence when conducting conversations.

Thus, the contact is more clear, objective and precise, which provides a friendly customer experience. In addition, this quality reflects positively on the brand's image.

Improves team performance

Over time, the service manager can update the customer service script with good practices created by the team itself, making the guidelines richer and more useful.

In this way, the team feels even more motivated to do their best, as they see their performance valued and transformed into a process used by everyone.

How does a customer service roadmap impact quality and productivity?

Good service not only generates a good experience for customers, but it can also help the company increase its revenue. That's because more than 85% of customers state that they are willing to pay more to receive a great experience.

Therefore, when the customer service script is implemented as a support for creating rich conversations, the result is a work with More quality.

This means that the customer is able to receive the support they need and the attendant acquires experience and learns to be more agile and objective with each interaction.

Thus, it also becomes more productive, completing more calls at the first contact, an important service indicator.

These improvements will result in more satisfied customers with the company's service, which can be proven by the increase in the average satisfaction rate CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score).

That's why it's worth investing in the customer service roadmap as a tool for the team. This is a starting point for communication with the public to have a consolidated pattern, but one that always finds aspects to evolve.

Also read: 5 service quality indicators to accompany.

Invest in your customer experience

Do you have a customer experience strategy, but do you want to know if your processes are really efficient?

Make a free diagnosis of your CX management and get the important insights to turn your operation into a UAU service.

A Cloud Humans helps your company to optimize service processes and those related to the customer experience to provide a customer service humanized, fast and assertive.

To this end, we use, among other resources, technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) that guides the division of tickets between the attendants and the ideal volume for each one. In this way, the service is initiated, on average, from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help you achieve your business objectives.


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