How to use Quality Assurance for customer service?

Understand what Quality Assurance is, what are the benefits of this practice, and how to apply Quality Assurance to customer service in practice.

Does your company plan the type of experience you want to provide to customers? Do you prioritize humanized communication to strengthen the relationship as well? These definitions are part of the work that guarantees the Quality Assurance in customer service.

After all, the treatment that the customer receives after closing a purchase is crucial for the company to be able to maintain the link with him and to be the reference for a solution within its market.

The profile of New digital consumer requires brands to have well-formatted service processes and that they leave no room for errors that compromise the resolution that the customer seeks.

And if there's one thing the client has, it's a good memory, do you agree? He will not forget a well-done service, just as he will not reveal an experience that displeased him.

Want to learn how to improve customer service with efficient QA? Keep reading this article and learn more about this job and how it must be done to take advantage of all its benefits.

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What is Quality Assurance?

Quality Assurance (QA), or quality assurance, is a process that structures several actions so that service is delivered at the highest quality standard, prioritizing techniques that contribute to customer satisfaction.

In the case of customer service, the area manager and his team plan how and through which tools the work will be carried out, as well as the type of communication that best meets the customer profile and provides a qualified experience.

Quality Assurance work can be done by a professional specialized in this function, hired on an outsourced basis, or the company can train managers internally to carry out the process.

Good Quality Assurance work in customer service ensures that each step to answer a call is done correctly, covering all points of attention to avoid errors, repetitions of information, opening more than one call, etc.

Relationship between humanized service and quality assurance

O humanized service it is not just a market trend, but a communication style through which the agents are able to communicate more easily even in the most difficult situations.

For this reason, quality assurance is important because, by planning the service strategy and creating processes to deal with the different types of situations, the team will know how to act, respond, and execute their work to meet customer expectations.

The report CX Trends 2022 from Zendesk highlights that the focus of companies is on the quality of the services provided with the objective of achieving the following results:

  • 56% - drive better customer experiences;
  • 37% - increase service efficiency;
  • 31% - build trusting relationships with customers;
  • 23% - increase customer satisfaction.

In other words, the processes complement each other. After all, having attendants who know how to communicate, but not having the right tools or an adequate ticket distribution process, prevents the company from achieving its objectives.

What are the benefits of QA in customer service?

When Quality Assurance work in customer service is carried out efficiently, it is possible to achieve important benefits for the company's growth in the market. Here are some of the advantages of doing a good preparation:

Identify problems before they happen

How will the Quality Assurance process in customer service work in the creation and planning of processes, many problems that may occur are identified before they occur in practice.

In this way, steps can be added or eliminated so that the customer experience is positive and direct to the point.

Save on operating expenses

Service is a service that needs the right tools and, with Quality Assurance, it's possible Assess the costs of the area and keep what contributes to the work, in addition to eliminating what is not necessary. Thus, the area is left with a leaner and more efficient operation.

>> Access our calculator and discover the Cost of each open ticket in your company.

Make strategic improvements

Improving is always the goal, but knowing Where to make changes it's the secret to being successful. Quality Assurance in customer service helps to improve processes that still need to be executed assertively, keeping those that already work.

Provide a memorable customer experience

The main benefit of Quality Assurance is to provide a service experience striking, qualified and humanized, which is the central focus of this strategy. Once the customer finishes satisfied, the objective of the work has been achieved.

How to improve customer service with efficient QA?

To achieve the goal of improving customer service with efficient QA, it is necessary to follow the steps correctly and clearly evaluate the company's processes. Learn the step by step:

1. Have well-defined objectives and indicators

The efficiency of customer service processes must be guided by clear objectives, with indicators to measure results.

Then, assess what the area wants to achieve and what metrics will help analyze the results and set new goals for the sector.

Also read: What are the service indicators to monitor?

2. Use automation tools

As automation tools they are useful resources to adapt the service structure as demand increases.

During QA work, evaluate how to modernize the service structure, integrating help desk software, and how this can help fulfill calls faster and resolve demands more quickly.

Learn more at >>> Zendesk Support: best practices for your service desk.

3. Prioritize customer experience

The work of Quality Assurance in service must focus on the customer experience. This is because if the customer profile requires agility, going through numerous steps before an attendant answers or asks more questions than necessary affect your satisfaction.

Therefore, the objective is to make adjustments to the processes according to the customer's preferences.

4. Evaluate feedback

As answers to the patterns created through the QA process they are very important to make sure that the resolutions are being efficient. Therefore, apply feedback surveys with customers and evaluate their opinion.

5. Maintain continuous process improvement

From time to time, Quality Assurance can take action to Keep the improvements happening, in addition to consolidating the good practices already implemented, ensuring that the entire team is aligned.

Then, focus on constant development to achieve quality assurance at the desired standards.

Develop your service processes

A Cloud Humans helps your company to optimize service processes and those related to the customer experience to provide a customer service humanized, fast and assertive.

To this end, we use, among other resources, technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) that guides the division of tickets between the attendants and the ideal volume for each one. In this way, the service is initiated, on average, from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

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Also talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help you achieve your business objectives.


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