What are the service indicators to monitor?

Understand what it is and what are the service indicators that your company must monitor to improve the quality of the support offered.

Have you ever read the phrase”What can't be measured, can't be managed”? It is attributed to different people, but the important thing is that it highlights a key point of any work: the analysis of the results. Therefore, in this article we are going to talk about What are the service indicators that analyze the quality of the service.

The quantitative and qualitative analyses provided by each of the service quality indicators are valuable data for companies to know if they are on the right path.

Does your business need more consistent work in measuring results? Read on and learn what the service indicators are and when they are calculated.

Have a good read!

What are quality of care indicators?

The service quality indicators, also called KPIs — Key Performance Indicators — are numbers and information that provide a parameter about the quality of the support service offered by a company.

With the help of the collected data, it is possible to follow the evolution of the relationship with the clients and whether the processes are being executed as planned.

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, Have you stated publicly that “obsession” with the customer is “the first and by far the most important” key to creating a successful business.

So, the service area needs consistent data to make strategic decisions regarding the quality of the service that, consequently, will improve the customer experience.

What are the most important service indicators?

The list of service indicators is extensive, but to help you, here are some highlights that will provide data on key processes for the company's success. Check it out!

1. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

One of the most well-known and used customer service and satisfaction indicators by companies is the Customer Satisfaction Score, or CSAT.

This metric is used to assess what the customer felt about the interaction with the company's service and also to measure satisfaction with the product or service.

The format of the CSAT survey is fairly simple. The customer answers the following question: On a scale of 1 to 5, what is your level of satisfaction with your purchase/interaction with recent support or service?

The answer options can also be qualitative, such as dissatisfied/satisfied or colorful emojis as illustrated in the image below. The tool used automatically counts the results, which helps to review poorly evaluated services.

Example of a scale for CSAT research.

2. Customer Effort Score (CES)

Another example of service indicators is the Customer Effort Score (CES) which assesses the degree of effort that the customer had to make to solve a problem or obtain an answer to a question.

Several factors impact the CES result, such as the average service time, the number of interactions needed, and how many times the customer had to contact us until the final resolution.

To obtain the CES, the customer must answer the following question: On a scale from “very easy” to “very difficult”, how was your service experience? Make an average, subtracting the percentage of easy ones from the percentage of difficult ones, and evaluate how to remove existing obstacles and friction in the process.

3. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

O Net Promoter Score (NPS) is another example of an indicator that analyzes the customer's degree of loyalty to the company.

Generally, the evaluation is placed at the end of the e-commerce purchase process, so it is a more relevant metric for companies that sell products and want to have a vision of the user experience.

It is not directly linked to service, but it can help with other analyses, such as the number of complaints after the sale, for example.

4. Number of tickets serviced and total tickets per customer

Two other service indicators relevant to assess the results of the support sector are number of tickets serviced and the total number of tickets per customer.

The total number of tickets can be counted per day, week, month, or year, depending on the purpose of the assessment. Thus, it is possible to verify service peaks, day of the week with the most requests, variations throughout the month, etc.

But it's important to assess the reason for receiving more tickets. For example, was there a service stoppage or was it because there were more complaints?

To do this, it is important to categorize all tickets to find out which issues are most frequent in the calls.

Accounting for tickets by customer is useful to identify support needs that arise in the short and long term in the relationship with the company.

5. Service volume per channel

O Service volume per channel It is a service indicator that helps keep track of the number of requests that arrive through each available channel.

Thus, the company is able to know which channels are preferred by customers and invest in improvements to serve more quickly.

The investment in technologies to integrate communication channels is accompanied by market demand. 77% of consumers state that they prefer an omnichannel service experience.

6. First Response Time (FRT)

O First Response Time (FRT) means the time for first response, that is, how long the customer waits to begin their service with support.

Um Forrester study highlights that, for 73% of consumers, valuing their time is the most important thing that companies can do to provide good customer service.

To obtain the average FRT, divide the total number of responses by the total number of visits received during the day.

7. Average Service Time (TMA)

O average service time (TMA) it's also a valuable indicator that shows how long support calls last, including waits and transfers to other sectors.

To calculate the TMA per day, for example, simply divide the total time of all visits performed by the number of visits on the day.

Transform results into new actions

Now that you know what valuable service indicators are, you can include them on your list and start tracking them in your company. With this data, you can improve service guidelines and have a team aligned with the objectives.

A Cloud Humans can be your partner in this work, connecting your company with professionals empowered by automation, guaranteeing humanized, fast and assertive service or your money back.

Talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help them achieve their business objectives.


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