Understand what Transactional NPS is and what are its main advantages

What is transactional NPS and how can this indicator help assess your brand's performance in relation to the level of customer satisfaction?

O NPS (Net Promoter Score) it is one of the most well-known and objective ways to obtain feedback from your client regarding the services of a brand. And this is explained both by the simplicity of the question that originates it and by the way in which the customer declares their satisfaction.

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you recommend company X to a family member or friend?”
Practical, isn't it? The purpose here is precisely to obtain a very clear answer from the consumer.

He will only need to choose a note to indicate the chances he has of taking the brand name to trusted people in his social cycle, thus increasing the brand awareness and dissemination capacity of that company to a wider audience

But then what is Transactional NPS? What are the differences between Transactional and Relational NPS?

Few people know that the NPS is divided between these two categories and that each of them has a different application context that must be taken into account when obtaining more accurate insights about this indicator.

Check out the reading to the end to better understand these two concepts!

What is Transactional NPS?

The main characteristic of Transactional NPS is the trigger that precedes its shipment. It occurs after a specific interaction between customer and brand, whether the closing of a purchase, the termination of a service with support, or after the cancellation of a service.

It aims to evaluate the customer experience and the possibility of referring the brand to relatives and friends based on a specific interaction that just took place.

The evaluation methodology is a score of 0 to 10, where:

  • From 0 to 6: the customer is considered a detractor of the brand.
  • From 7 to 8: satisfaction is considered neutral.
  • From 9 to 10: the customer is considered a brand promoter to friends and family.

The transactional name for this category of NPS means that this indicator will monitor the level of success of a specific transaction, which can be both commercial and also a mere interaction between brand and consumer.

This search is generally triggered automatically after the transaction ends. And this survey can be done by SMS, e-mail, Whatsapp, telephone call, chatbot, and other possibilities.

What is Relational NPS?

Did you really understand what Transactional NPS is? Let's now talk about the differences between Transactional and Relational NPS.

Relational NPS, in turn, does not require a specific trigger to be sent. That is, it is not necessary that there has been any type of interaction between customer and brand for it to be triggered.

In fact, it works more like a thermometer to assess the degree of satisfaction of a customer base with a company, regardless of whether they have just closed a deal or whether they have requested the customer service center or not.

It is sent periodically and covers both the most frequent consumers and those who have been inactive for a long time. In general, this type of NPS is used more to assess the satisfaction of users of recurring services, such as:

  • subscribers to streaming platforms;
  • application users;
  • registered readers of news portals;
  • subscribers to services on demand, etc.

The objective here is to check up the relationship between consumer and brand over time, which can provide insights about retention and the strength of the business with its target audience.

Transactional NPS: example

Returning to talking specifically about transactional NPS, here we will demonstrate an example of applying this practice so that you can better understand your context of action.

Imagine that you are a client of a startup, such as a fintech that offers a digital account, credit card, and investment options in fixed and variable income. Let's say you redeemed an amount of money invested in fixed income assets, but the amounts are taking a long time to enter your checking account.

Therefore, you can contact customer service to ask questions about the redemption process to find out how long it takes for the money to drip into your account and if you should be unconcerned about the delay in sending it.

In a few minutes, a chatbot answers all questions clearly and answers all questions from the consumer and the service is closed.

Soon after the completion of the service, a message is automatically sent asking what it is possible for the customer to recommend the company's services to a relative or friend based on the experience they had with that specific service.

Benefits of Transactional NPS

The main advantage of understanding what Transactional NPS is and implementing this indicator in the operational routine of your business are the insights it generates regarding the customer experience in different transaction contexts.

The average of the reviews can set off the warning signal for the company to improve and review customer service processes in different situations, such as moments of conversion, customer support, or even churn.

This analysis can provide crucial insights for the reformulation of knowledge base and interaction practices in general.

Cloud Humans, for example, offers personalized customer service for other companies based on Customer Experience (CX) metrics to optimize processes and improve knowledge base management.

What did you think of the content? Did you understand what Transactional NPS is and its importance? Wonderful! To learn more about customer service and experience, take a look at the other articles in Cloud Humans blog! Until next time!


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