What is strategic customer experience and how to plan the sector?

Understand what strategic customer experience is, its importance in companies, and learn how to plan a strategy and monitor results.

Understand What is strategic customer experience it is very important, especially for companies that want to go beyond a pure and simple business relationship, that is, to exchange products or services for money.

After all, every company wants to have a growth in revenue over time and if customers buy once and never return, something in their experience went wrong or, at the very least, did not meet expectations.

When the subject is Acquiring new customers, the main sources of information are referrals from friends and family members (93%), online reviews from other people (91%), and specialized sites (76%).

The data above is from a report produced by Kantar Media which also highlights that advertising actions (38%) are considered the least reliable source of information about brands and services among the consumers interviewed.

So, both to increase the customer base and to get current customers to buy again, it is necessary to understand the importance and plan efficient customer experience strategies.

This, of course, does not mean abandoning your brand advertising, but rather creating a market positioning and a buying journey that serve the customer as they wish.

Do you still not have strategic customer experience actions in your company? Read on and learn step by step how to start planning and increase customer satisfaction.

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What is strategic customer experience?

Customer experience or CX is the sector of companies that takes care of the customer experience and their relationship with the brand from pre-sale to post-sale. 

So, the function of this sector is Create the best journey possible for the potential customer to have positive interactions both to buy the product or service and to make the most of it after the purchase.

With the planned strategies, the objective is to strengthen the company's image in the market and involve the customer, offering what they are looking for and even something more that adds a differential to the experience.

By experiencing a high standard of customer experience, this customer is expected to become a brand promoter, sharing your experience with others.

What is the importance of customer experience in companies?

The customer experience is important because through the actions created, companies show that they listen, understand, and offer what the customer needs. That way, he can see that he has a relationship with the brand.

In addition, companies are able to generate many improvements in sales and service processes through the feedback collected. So, the work is very strategic to eliminate the right bottlenecks in the processes, which favors the creation of a 'UAU' service standard.

The study 'Experience is everything: Here's how to get it right'from PwC highlighted Four aspects that consumers value the most. They are:

  • speed;
  • convenience;
  • helpful employees;
  • friendly service.

In addition to these, your business can also provide other experiences that favor the creation of a faithful relationship with customers.

Also read: How to improve the service SLA of the company?

How to plan a customer experience strategy?

Now that you are aware of the concept and the function and importance of the customer experience area, we have put together a step by step to plan an efficient strategy:

1. Focus on the 'customer first' culture

The concept of Customer First It means that the starting point for defining new actions and adjusting the old ones is purchaser, that is, it comes primer And it's the Strategy Center.

This needs to be clear to the team, so that it truly transforms into a strong organizational culture, where everyone is aligned with the goal of offering the best customer experience.

As a result, employees remain connected with the idea and create the habit of always analyzing changes, keeping in mind what the impact will be on customer experience and satisfaction.

To relate well with customers, it is necessary to know them. Check out in this other article who is “the New digital consumer and how to meet that profile?”.

2. Stay one step ahead of problems

The strategic customer experience sector does not wait for the problem to arrive, on the contrary, it remains Alert and identify when a process is not working or when a change did not bring the desired result.

This way, bottlenecks are eliminated before they generate a multitude of calls with the same complaint.

For this to happen, internal processes must be well organized so that any errors can be reported and resolved quickly.

3. Include feedback surveys in the journey

From pre-sale to post-sale, it is interesting that they exist satisfaction surveys for the customer to provide feedback about the experience at each stage.

The data collected will be valuable for the CX, which will distribute this information and align what is not working, as well as pass on positive feedback.

After all, as important as knowing what needs to change is to identify the correct answers and how they are contributing to strengthening the company's image in the market.

4. Guide decision-making with the support of data

Since we're talking about feedback, customer experience metrics are important data to support decision-making when creating strategies. The main ones are:

  • the Net Promoter Score (NPS): evaluates, according to a scale, the probability of a customer and recommending the company, family and acquaintances;
  • o Customer Effort Score (CES): assesses the degree of effort that the customer had to make to be able to interact with the company and resolve a question or make a request;
  • the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): it is the metric that evaluates what the customer found about the interaction with the company's service and their satisfaction with the product or service purchased.

5. Use Technology to Strengthen CX Strategies

Applying and evaluating research, serving customers, and calculating metrics are activities that can be optimized with the implementation of technologies such as customer service software, Big Data, and CRMs (customer relationship management systems that means customer relationship management).

These tools help to execute the service with agility, analyze large volumes of data in a few minutes, and record the history of the company's clients.

With a modern structure, your company will be able to take advantage of and analyze every detail of the strategy more precisely, creating a valuable continuous improvement cycle.

Get a FREE diagnosis of your CX operation and gain valuable insights to improve customer relationships.

Align your strategy with a professional team

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