5 service quality indicators to monitor

Understand the importance of monitoring performance and which service quality indicators are essential for the company's success.

There is a concept in the area of Quality called continuous improvement. Companies that adopt this process are connected with opportunities for improvement. For this, it is necessary to have evidence and it may come in the form of service quality indicators.

The customer service sector is one of those that requires the most attention, after all, dealing directly with consumers requires Preparation and strategy to keep the level of satisfaction high.

Therefore, indicators are much more than just numbers in spreadsheets and reports. They indicate the performance of each service process and guide alterations to improve the necessary aspects.

In this way, in addition to remaining faithful to continuous improvement, the company is able to serve with higher quality customer expectation with the company.

Do you want to better evaluate the performance of your support service and know which factors are essential in the analysis?

Read on to understand the importance and learn about the service quality indicators that your company must monitor.

Have a good read!

Importance of quality indicators in service for companies

Quality of care indicators are important for Define the goals for the evolution of work. Without knowing exactly what to improve, it's harder to chart a development path.

In addition, customer service metrics prevent decisions from being based on assumptions - the famous “guessing”, which leads to many wrong decisions.

The discussion of the results achieved with the team month by month also allows us to critically analyze and based on data, what needs to be improved in service.

The company's performance record also creates a history that serves as a guide to analyze the evolution of the shares, what worked the most, what didn't work, etc.

This is how continuous improvement is applied efficiently, without generating unfounded pressure on the team and encouraging new ideas that make the company a reference in customer service in the market.

Also read: How to innovate in customer service? 5 tips for companies.

What are the quality indicators in service?

But then what are the service quality indicators that companies can monitor?

Well, service indicators There are several for the customer and in this article we have collected a TOP 5 of those that help to better assess the quality of the service. Check it out!

1. Service volume by channel and time

Opening the list of service quality indicators to monitor, we have the volume of service per channel and per hour. But what does quantity have to do with quality, right?

Imagine that WhatsApp generates a much larger volume of tickets per day and the waiting time to receive service is long. Knowing this information, the ticket distribution flow can be configured to prioritize WhatsApp and meet customer expectations for quick service on this channel.

Another strategy that can be defined based on the volume of service are the Peak times for the day or week. In this way, the service scale is set up to have more active attendants at the times with the most requests.

2. Average wait time

Other quality of care indicators are Average waiting time for service, that is, how many seconds, minutes, or hours the customer has to wait to be answered.

This metric indicates high or low staff availability, which directly affects the quality of the service provided. If customers are expecting a lot, it may be an indication that more attendants are needed or that the calls take a long time.

Then, the number itself needs to be evaluated within the context and considering other aspects that contribute to the quality of care.

O Waiting time calculation It is done by dividing the average waiting time in line by the number of calls answered during the day.

3. Average service time

In addition to the waiting time, Average service time, that is, how long a call lasts until it is resolved is also an indicator of relevant service quality.

When the attendant is able to be agile and provide the information that the customer seeks, it means that the means he has to search the data are efficient and also that the customer receives correct information, helping to avoid service errors.

To calculate the average wait time, first, you need to add up the waiting time in line and the duration of the service itself, and then divide by the number of calls received on the day.

4. Service dropout rate

A Service dropout rate or abandonment rate is also one of the service quality indicators that companies should keep an eye on.

This is because, generally, withdrawing a call indicates that the waiting time may be too high. Here, we highlight once again the connection between the indicators so that the assessment is more complete and the causes are clearer.

As a rule, speed is desirable on all channels, but some actually take longer than others, such as e-mail compared to WhatsApp or virtual chat.

Then, notifying the customer of the time they will wait for service or indicating their position in line helps to keep them on hold and guarantee service.

5. First Contact Resolution (FCR)

Closing the list of service quality indicators, we have the First Contact Resolution (FCR) which can be translated as resolution upon first contact or call.

It shows the number of calls that were completed at the first contact, that is, it was not necessary to wait for a return on a new call or for the customer to call again to request a response.

To know the FCR, it is necessary to divide the number of calls completed first by the total number of calls answered on the day. To get the result as a percentage, simply multiply the result by 100.

Um Ascent Group report It highlights that 60% of the companies that measured First Call Resolution for more than 1 year reported an improvement of 1 to 30% in their performance, which allows them to offer more quality and increase customer satisfaction.

Invest in customer experience improvements

Do you want to improve the quality of service, but don't know where to start? Diagnose your CX operation (customer experience) and obtain valuable and free insights to improve customer interaction.

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