7 customer service indicators to analyze the CSAT

Learn about the customer service indicators that your company must analyze to monitor satisfaction and the importance of these metrics.

One of the most efficient ways to track results is through customer service indicators. Also called metrics or KPIs, these markers indicate the dimension of customer satisfaction with the business.

Combining customer service and performance indicators is a strategy for making decisions that are more informed and guided by reliable data.

After all, only the “feeling” that something must be done or modified in a certain way can take the work in a different direction than desired.

To understand how other indicators influence the result of the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), one of the most used metrics in customer service management, it is necessary to expand knowledge about the other KPIs in the area.

In this article, we list the customer service indicators that your business needs to monitor and the importance of having good metric management.

Read on and check it out!

What is the CSAT indicator?

O CSAT indicator It is the Customer Satisfaction Score, which can be translated as a customer satisfaction score, that is, it is a metric that assesses how satisfied the customer is with the service, product and/or service.

In addition to being a specific indicator, the CSAT can be analyzed in a broader context, considering other factors that influence satisfaction, such as: waiting time for service, duration of calls and resolution at first contact, among others.

Hence the importance of knowing the customer service indicators and carrying out an integrated analysis so that the results of customer experience strategy (CX) improve as a whole.

What to do to improve CSAT?

Some actions that contribute to improving CSAT results are:

  • get to know the customer's expectations in depth;
  • modernize the service structure with new technologies;
  • test the service journey in practice;
  • frequently carry out refresher training with the team of attendants;
  • listen to agents' feedback about the work;
  • analyze customer reviews about the service;
  • personalize service for customers.

For Increase CSAT, it's important to have a strategy focused on customer experience. This is crucial for consolidating sustainable growth in the market.

After all, good experiences are unforgettable, aren't they?

Also read: 7 customer experience errors to avoid in your business.

7 customer service indicators to track

But what customer service indicators need to be monitored to ensure a good CSAT average? As mentioned above, following other metrics helps to have a detailed view of the customer experience and customer satisfaction.

Following the indicators below, it is possible to create assertive strategies for how to increase the CSAT in a company. See what they are:

1. First Reply Time (FRT)

O First Reply Time (FRT) or, in Portuguese, first response time, is one of the customer service indicators that shows the time (in seconds/minutes/hours) it takes for an agent to answer a call requested by the customer.

The 'CX Trends' report prepared by Zendesk highlights that customers expect companies' service to be fast, easy and efficient. And most importantly, they are willing to seek this pattern elsewhere if they don't receive what they expected.

Therefore, it is important to know the average FRT of service to analyze whether the time is within an acceptable range or if it needs to be improved based on new actions.

Remember that automatic replies are not considered when calculating a company's First Reply Time (FRT).

Also read >>> Front App vs Zendesk vs Intercom: which is the best help desk?

2. Average Wait Time (TME)

O Average Wait Time or TME It should also be on your list of customer service indicators. This metric indicates the average time a customer waits to receive service.

And the dynamic is simple: the shorter the wait time, the better the customer experience.

A high TME may indicate the need for adjustments, such as reinforcement in the team or a redistribution so that the channel with the highest volume of calls has more available attendants.

In addition, an average TME higher than expected allows the team to make a more comprehensive assessment of the results, analyzing other factors, such as the time of first response, the time between responses, and the number of answers given.

The average TME is automatically provided by help desk software such as Zendesk, for example.

3. First Contact Resolution (FCR)

First Contact Resolution (FCR) or first-contact resolution, as the name suggests, is a metric that shows how many tickets were solved in just one call.

The FCR serves to analyze the quality of service and whether, with current methods, the team is able to help clients objectively and quickly.

Otherwise, it is important to identify knowledge gaps and reinforce training to provide a quality experience.

In service software, it is possible to analyze the number of tickets per attendant and the issues addressed in each one. The recurrence of help on the same topic may indicate that something is not right, allowing for improvements to be sought.

4. Call abandonment rate

Another of the customer service indicators to measure satisfaction is call abandonment rate.

The biggest frustration that causes a customer to end their unanswered call is the long wait time to be answered. Then, it is essential to identify the number of unanswered calls ended and the average waiting time.

Measuring this call response KPI helps you implement the right strategies that will ensure proactive support and improve your experience.

The goal is: the lower the call abandonment rate, the greater the customer satisfaction.

5. Number of calls solved per agent

O Number of solved calls It is a customer service indicator that serves to analyze both the performance of an individual agent and that of the team in general.

The manager can analyze the average per day, week, or month to get an overview of the number of calls that are completed with the customer's demand met.

Along with this indicator, the evaluation of feedback, at the end of the calls, will also help to assess whether the customer considered the experience positively or not.

6. Call escalation rate

A call scheduling rate It is a customer service indicator that shows how many calls were forwarded to an attendant with more experience or specialized knowledge.

The volume of complex services may indicate the need for reinforcement in high-level teams and/or specialization of more attendants.

7. Quality Control Metrics or Quality Assurance (QA)

There are other customer service indicators that can be used as metrics of quality control in addition to the Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES), the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and the number of complaints.

Here, you can define which metric you are going to track yourself. It is enough to have a person available to carry out the quality control process, in addition to having a tool to store the data, well-defined criteria, and a sample selection of services.

To choose relevant criteria, define them based on processes that you believe are decisive for a good CSAT during your service. Some examples that we use here at cloud humans are listed below. Check it out!

  • Was the service provided according to the process?
  • Did the attendant react with empathy according to the situation?
  • Have the ready answers (macros) been adapted to the situation?
  • Did the transition to Level 2 of care go smoothly?
  • Was the customer offered a discount coupon?

With well-defined criteria, these metrics will provide you with a new horizon of insights on how to improve the CSAT of your service and prioritize the best actions.

What is the importance of customer service KPI management?

Managing performance indicators to ensure positive CSAT is important, because it keeps the company aligned with the needs of its clients. In this way, the customer experience strategy follows the right path to offer a good experience.

Incidentally, 70% of consumers state that they choose companies that offer great customer service. Do you want to be the company that customers choose?

Get the FREE diagnosis of your customer experience operations and receive valuable CX insights.

Afterwards, Calculate the cost of each open ticket in your company and learn how to optimize the costs of your operation.

By the way, the Cloud Humans helps your company to optimize service processes and those related to the customer experience so that the team provides a customer service humanized, fast and assertive.

To this end, we use, among other resources, technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) that guides the division of tickets between the attendants and the ideal volume for each one. In this way, the service is initiated, on average, from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help you achieve your business objectives.


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