GUIDE: 17 phrases for customer service + 4 to avoid

Update the phrase options for customer service and learn what to say at each moment, such as: welcoming, calming, thanking, and more.

Have you ever heard the phrase”You'll never get a second chance to make a good first impression”? It fits perfectly with what we are going to cover in this article: Phrases for customer service.

But then, you can ask: sentences ready to welcome, calm, or thank the client won't make the conversations seem very rehearsed?

This will only happen if your team takes each sentence to the letter, without considering the context of the interactions, without working on Tone of voice adequate or, most importantly, without considering the flexibility that each conversation requires.


The phrases will serve as tabs to ensure that the customer experience follows the quality standard that the company wishes to offer, in addition to transmitting trust and credibility.

To help you organize the script of phrases for customer service in your company, we have divided the suggestions into categories.

Read on and learn what to say and how to start and conclude chat conversations properly.

Have a good read!

GUIDE: best phrases for customer service

The phrases for customer service help organize the service itineraries and make it easier to start conversations, from the easiest to the most difficult.

To begin with, we've listed phrase options for different situations that you can replicate and create a message to serve your customers. Check it out!

Phrases to welcome the customer

As Phrases to welcome the customer they can be direct and objective to bring the conversation to the main topic right from the start. To do this, it is possible to use phrases such as those listed below.

  1. Hello, my name is [name of the attendant]. How can I help you today?
  2. Good morning/afternoon or good evening, my name is [name of the attendant]. Before starting the service, I would like to provide you with the service protocol number for this conversation.
  3. Hi, this is the [name of the attendant]! I'll help you find the right solution for what you need. What is your question?
  4. Hi, [customer name], how are you? I'm the [name of the attendant] and I'm going to answer you now. How can I help you?
  5. Hello, [customer name]! Thank you for getting in touch. How can I help you?

Emoji suggestions to accompany the phrases: 😉😊

The phrases to greet the customer may include other, more personal questions, such as those that follow.

  • How is your day going?
  • Welcome back. What can I help you with today, [customer name]?

However, be aware of the Customer tone before using them, because these phrases have a more informal and positive tone, but the customer may be angry or dissatisfied with something.

If this is the case, it is best to be objective and get straight to the point, keeping the empathy in service to demonstrate total attention to the client's situation.

Phrases to calm the customer

When a customer is elated, dissatisfied, or angry, you need to be tactful to deal with them. Mainly, so that the attendants don't take this behavior personally.

The objective is to understand what the dissatisfaction is and to provide the appropriate solution in the most agile and accurate way possible. Therefore, when identifying that the customer has a complaint, it is possible to use the Phrases to calm the customer listed below. Check it out!

  1. I apologize for what happened, [customer name]. I will help you solve this problem.
  2. I understand what happened, [customer name]. Can you give me your order number so I can sort this out for you?
  3. I'm sorry that you're experiencing [reported issue]. But I will help you find a solution.

Being helpful helps the customer trust the attendant. After sentences like the ones above, the objective is to investigate to find the solution to the problem. So it's important to ask the right questions.

Also read: How to improve service processes? Learn 5 tips.

Phrases of recognition and solution of the problem

Once the customer brings a demand, Phrases of recognition and solution of the problem are important for the attendant to convey credibility.

Avoid minimizing the problem by using phrases like “this is easy to solve” so that the customer doesn't get the impression that they could have solved it on their own.

Below, we have some examples of phrases to recognize and solve the problem.

  1. Thanks for the explanation, [customer name]. I understand what's going on. Now, let's solve that issue.
  2. Right, [customer name]. I need some more information to better understand what's going on. Could you inform me [ask for the necessary information].
  3. I want to make sure I understand everything correctly. [Summarize customer problem] - Use if it's a complex demand.
  4. Please feel free to correct me if I have misunderstood anything. [phrase variation to validate a complex customer demand].

Emoji suggestions to accompany the phrases: 😔😇🥹

Customer thank you phrases

As Customer thank you phrases they are also essential to end calls with sympathy. It's also important to ensure that the customer solved everything they needed.

This attention at closing is important so that the customer doesn't feel pressured to finish without having the chance to ask any more questions. Then, use phrases like the ones mentioned below.

  1. Is there anything else I can help with, [customer name]?
  2. Thank you so much for your feedback, [customer name].
  3. Glad to have helped you, [customer name].
  4. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
  5. Thank you for getting in touch. I'm happy to help. If the problem occurs again, don't hesitate to contact us!

Emoji suggestions to accompany the phrases: 👏🙌🙏

After these sentences, it is valid to open new requests and, if not necessary, end the call by thanking you again.

Good customer service phrases: what not to do?

In addition to knowing good service phrases, it is also important to be aware of what not to do during calls. Check out some tips!

  • Don't overuse emojis, especially if the customer is irritated. It can give a tone of irony and not empathy to conversations.
  • Avoid answering “I don't know”. The attendant must be useful to the customer and can say “I understand, I'm going to get this information for you”.
  • “This is the first time anyone has reported this issue.” Avoid it, as every request is important and helps the company to be aware of flaws and problems.
  • “You need to be calm.” This sentence will most likely have the opposite effect. Use one of the options we listed above to resolve the customer's request.

Improve your service strategy

Customer service phrases are an important detail to help the customer success (CX) strategy succeed.

Do you want to improve your service actions, but don't know where to start? Do a free analysis of your performance indicators and gain valuable insights to improve your processes and team performance.

A Cloud Humans helps your company to optimize service processes and those related to the customer experience so that the team provides a customer service humanized, fast and assertive.

To this end, we use, among other resources, technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) that guides the division of tickets between the attendants and the ideal volume for each one. In this way, the service is initiated, on average, from 30 seconds to 1 minute.


Talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help you achieve your business objectives.


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