Black Friday customer experience: 5 tips for success

Understand the importance of the customer experience on Black Friday and learn tips for organizing strategies and management during this period.

With the end of the year approaching, Black Friday comes a moment much awaited by customers and businesses. If you have a business and you are already articulating your offers for the date, have you also happened to think about what the Black Friday customer experience?

Conquering the customer is the pinnacle of the sales process, but it would be excellent if that relationship didn't stop there, agree?

O New digital consumer It is demanding and demanding that companies deliver more than just a low price. Therefore, engaging the customer on Black Friday requires businesses to create an experience that is remarkable enough to be remembered in the future.

Is your goal to offer a remarkable customer experience this Black Friday? Read on and check out the tips we selected to help you plan your sales management.

Have a good read!

How important is customer experience management on Black Friday?

Managing the customer experience on Black Friday is important because consumers who come to you through this season's offers have the potential to become loyal customers of your brand.

However, achieving this result depends on how the customer will go through the purchase process and the service they receive before, during, and after the sale.

The goal is for them to realize that it is safe to buy from your company and to be welcomed by a humanized service, whether when asking for information, asking questions, or even making a complaint.

In the search 'Black Friday 2022: consumer thermometer'made by Globo, the interviewees rated some statements on a scale from 1 (I totally disagree) to 5 (I totally agree).

A specific one that relates to the customer experience (obtained an average of 4.2) was as follows:”I prefer online stores that have humanized service and don't refer me to chat or voice service with a robot”.

For this reason, omnichannel is also a feature that consumers are more attentive to and expect to find both in service, being able to communicate through various channels, and in sales, with the option of buying online and picking up at the store.

71% of those interviewed in the survey consider omnichannel a good shopping experience. These data reinforce the importance of companies having consolidated management processes aligned with the needs of their target audience.

How to improve customer service strategy on Black Friday?

Now that you understand the importance, we have listed some tips to make the customer experience on Black Friday remarkable and engage the public with the brand.

1. Learn the key points of the customer journey

Business owners who aim to offer a customer experience on Black Friday with a focus on after-sales and increasing lifetime value (LTV), need know the key points of the customer journey.

The customer journey is the path taken to the checkout. Knowing each point of contact, the company can analyze if the process can be shortened, for example, or if any important step is missing.

In this way, the company aligns the communication channels that will be available to serve the customer at the stages where they usually have the most questions.

In addition, managers are able to prepare their team for peak service dates, passing on the main problems, questions and training to provide quick answers.

2. Reinforce omnichannel team training

Speaking of training and omnichannel, the customer experience on Black Friday won't be remarkable enough without empowering the team to provide efficient multichannel service.

As multichannel is both in sales and in communication, the team needs to know whether or not the customer can buy online and pick it up at the physical store, how long it takes for the product to be available, how the exchange works, etc.

The demand for service on Black Friday increases considerably, so Train the team to be sharp on basic answers, makes work faster and helps to resolve calls upon first contact.

Also read >>> Black Friday service: 5 tips for managing peak calls.

3. Include cross-selling and upselling offers

On Black Friday, customers expect to find the best price for the product they want to buy, right? To make your business experience more compelling, include suggestions Of products to complement the purchase (cross selling).

Another alternative is to include products from the same category, but superior products that customers also search (upsell) as a suggestion.

This is an opportunity to increase the average order value and to help the customer compare the advantages of making a full purchase. In the case of cross selling, this strategy can also be carried out after sales for Black Friday shoppers.

4. Pay attention to after-sales service

Consumers won over by the customer experience on Black Friday don't end their journey at the conclusion of the sale. So the care team needs to continue Pay attention to the after-sales.

In addition to having the necessary communication tools and updating the training, analyze whether it will be necessary to reinforce the team with more people based on the history of previous Black Fridays.

More working professionals avoid a long wait time during the Peak service and it also helps with the quality of communication, as everyone will be aligned with basic information and will be safe to deal with more serious problems.

5. Monitor metrics that assess customer experience

As satisfaction surveys are essential tools to know what the customer experience was like on Black Friday. Then, do this monitoring and bring the results to the team.

The errors pointed out make it possible to improve the next actions. The positive aspects, on the other hand, can be used to create new offers and generate ideas on how these customers can be loyal.

These researches can be taken from metrics important ones such as:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): to know the satisfaction immediately after the purchase and if the customer would recommend the company;
  • CSAT: to find out how the customer felt after receiving the purchase at home;
  • CES: to find out if the customer approves and considers the purchase and service process to be easy and intuitive.

Learn about other indicators in the article: What are the service indicators to monitor?

Prepare your company for Black Friday

To have a strategic customer experience, it is important to have a service team trained to serve well on Black Friday and outside of this market season as well.

Are you planning outsource part of the service or do you need to update your processes to take advantage of the market's heating at the end of the year?

A Cloud Humans can help your company optimize support processes and those related to the customer experience. Thus, your team is able to provide a humanized, fast and assertive service.

Talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help you achieve your business objectives.


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