7 customer experience mistakes to avoid in your business

Learn what are the main customer experience mistakes a company can make and tips for improving the customer experience.

Have you analyzed whether your company is committing customer experience errors (CX)? A satisfying experience can positively impact revenue, attracting new customers and encouraging current customers to make new purchases.

Therefore, when planning sales, marketing and service actions, it is important to have a vision of the CX area so that actions and processes are designed based on needs of the target audience.

This can increase customer satisfaction and also the retention rate, contributing to consumer loyalty and making the brand stand out in the market and against competitors.

To achieve this level of success, your company needs to improve the customer experience and avoid strategy errors.

Do you want to know the flaws you should be aware of and not commit in your business? Read on and also learn customer experience tips to circumvent them and maintain a positive relationship with customers.

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What are the main customer experience mistakes?

One way to improve your company's customer experience is to stay one step ahead of potential errors. We have listed below the main flaws that companies make and how to correct those errors. Check it out!

1. Not having the customer as a priority

You may be thinking now “but of course the customer is a priority in my business!”. However, your focus is probably more on sales strategies than on behavior analysis and needs of New digital consumer.

To overcome this customer experience error, implement and train your team in relation to the principles of customer-focused culture and how the company will work on the strategy. Internal alignment is essential so that everyone can put the guidelines into practice and improve the customer experience across the company.

2. Neglecting the use of customer data

Another customer experience error is neglect customer data that the company collects in the interactions. This information is essential to understand your behavior, desires, and main needs, which helps to personalize the experience offered.

Interacting with customers by name, creating campaigns for specific locations are some examples of how data can be better used. Then, bring that information to strategy meetings and create more innovative initiatives.

Also read: How to innovate in customer service? 5 tips for companies.

3. Don't interact with customers

Social networks, email, live chat, WhatsApp, telephone. If your company has all these channels and customers are left unanswered, you are making a customer experience mistake that will cause dissatisfaction and hinder the evolution of the relationship with the customer.

From casual interactions to those involving questions or requests, they must be answered quickly so that the customer realizes in practice that the company is open to communication.

In addition, customer feedback can generate valuable insights. Then, reinforce the service team so that all channels are covered.

4. Have a poorly designed website or app

With the growth of the digital market in recent years, having a poorly designed website or app is a fatal customer experience mistake.

A poorly designed site with a confusing layout will repel customers who will give up buying with your brand. This is where your customer experience team needs to think about user experience (UX), eliminating and adjusting anything that may hinder the use of the platforms and the fluidity of the experience.

Maintain the visual identity in the design, use legible fonts, quality images, and include all the necessary links to request service before, during, and after the purchase.

Also remember to have a responsive site, that is, adapted for viewing on mobile devices, greatly improves the experience.

5. Not having a team capable of dealing with problems

Let's illustrate this point with an example of a customer experience error. A United Airlines, a North American airline, tried to resolve an overbooking on one of its flights in 2017 and ended up removing a dragged passenger from the aircraft.

To resolve a bureaucratic issue and regardless of the customer's motive which refused to be relocated, the company took a stance that killed the experience not only of one person, but that of all the passengers who witnessed the scene.

Giving attention to the customer, understanding their motives, and seeking a solution to the demand they are bringing is essential to avoid financial losses (the United Airlines lost $1 billion in market value that day) and for the brand image. Empower your team to know how to handle problems and unforeseen events with peace of mind.

Learn 'What is humanized care and learn tips on how to apply it to your business'.

6. Disregard customer feedback

Don't take advantage of customer feedbacks It's another customer experience mistake because the company wastes valuable opportunities to better serve its customers.

In addition, all the work of creating and applying the surveys is lost if what was answered is not evaluated and used to improve strategies.

Therefore, organize the team to have people responsible for collecting these feedbacks and bringing the important points to the meetings, giving an overview of customer satisfaction and what still needs to be improved.

7. Leave team training in the background

If your customer service team only receives training when joining the company and then has no updates, know that this is also a customer experience error.

After all, how do you expect the team to achieve a High standard, if she does not receive feedback on her work and, consequently, training to bring her skills closer to the required points.

If the company implements, for example, a customer service software, training to learn about the tool and how to take advantage of the resources is essential.

So, remember to keep your team well informed about the strategies and updated on business demands so that the attendants can deliver the best standard of service.

Get a FREE diagnosis of your CX operation and gain valuable insights to boost the quality of your strategies.

Improve customer experience with an empowered team

In addition to the customer experience tips above to avoid errors in the customer experience, have a qualified team to perform the customer service with the expected quality it is essential

A Cloud Humans can help your company optimize your business support processes and offer a qualified team to provide a humanized, fast and assertive customer service.

Talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help you achieve your business objectives.


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