SAC Decree: find out what the rules are for companies

I understand what the SAC decree is, what changed the approval of the new law, and what happens if companies fail to comply with the guidelines.

Since 1990, with the approval of the Consumer Protection Code, companies have customer service guidelines and regulations to follow. Now, in April 2022, the Law No. 11,034, called 'SAC Decree', regulated and brought new attributions to the”service providers regulated by the federal Executive Branch”.

O Customer Service, better known by the acronym SAC, represents an important achievement for consumers and the update of the law approved in April and officially in force since September 2022, is a milestone that reinforces the importance of this service for the business-consumer relationship.

Even if the regulations are aimed at specific companies, having a standard of service is essential for customer satisfaction.

Continue reading this article and understand which decree and ordinance the SAC regulates, what changed with the new law, and what happens if the guidelines are decompressed.

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What is the SAC decree?

The SAC decree is how the new one became known Law No. 11,034, from April 2022, which regulated the guidelines and standards for the Consumer Service (SAC) offered by companies such as banking institutions, electricity, financial services, sanitation, transportation, health services, and telecommunications.

The new decree updates the old Law No. 8,078, approved in September 1990, which established the Consumer Protection Code, which is still in force today, guaranteeing rights and duties to both sides involved in commercial negotiations.

What changes with the new SAC Decree is that consumers have more access to information about the contracted services, in addition to time settings and the sharing of information about the demands dealt with.

This will make it easier to obtain data if it is necessary to prove something in legal actions, for example. For this reason, it is essential for companies to be updated on the new protocols.

Check out the video below for other improvements brought by the decree:

What are the rules of the SAC decree?

To help with this alignment, we have listed below the new rules of the SAC decree that all companies must comply with. Check it out!

1. Free and uninterrupted service

With the SAC Decree, companies providing regulated services must provide free access to the support service, without any type of charge to the consumer.

SAC must also be available during 24 hours a day, seven days a week to fulfill requests such as”information, question, complaint, challenge, suspension or cancellation of contracts and service”, as highlighted in the second article of the law.

To have access to an attendant, the consumer will not need to provide any data and must be passed on as soon as they request direct assistance.

2. Telephone support remains mandatory

For the New digital consumer Maybe the telephone is not the first option, but telephone service is still a mandatory SAC channel that companies must provide.

An important detail in providing telephone support is that companies need to provide human service for, at least, 8 hours a day.

3. Advertising is prohibited while waiting

The SAC decree also Restricted the placement of advertising for the consumer during the waiting time for service. Release is only allowed if the company includes an authorization request that must be confirmed by the consumer.

The exception to this rule is only allowed when the message is informational, such as notices about consumer rights and obligations or information about other service channels.

4. Featured complaint and cancellation

The interactive telephone service system, called URA (Audible Response Unit), communicates to the consumer what support options are available.

The new SAC decree determined that options for filing a complaint or cancellation appear right in the home menu so that, if the contact is for one of these purposes, it can be executed quickly.

5. Waiting time for clear service

Another guideline that companies must comply with the SAC decree is Communicate the maximum waiting time to speak directly with an attendant.

If the first attendant is unable to resolve the demand for a call, the consumer must be redirected to the correct sector.

The objective is for the support to be more assertive and the consumer does not keep jumping from one sector to another, repeating their request thoroughly until they reach the right attendant.

6. Integrated service channels

Companies can offer more customer service channels besides the telephone, such as: WhatsApp, live chat, social networks, etc. The number of channels that will be included is at the company's discretion.

The guideline established by law is that Are the available channels integrated, following the concept of omnichannel service.

7. Follow-up of demands

Companies must allow Monitoring of demands made by consumers through all available channels. To do this, they must always inform the”numerical registration or other type of electronic procedure“of the calls.

The consumer must have access to the service history performed by 5 days useful after the request. Telephone recordings must be archived for up to 90 days.

Records of calls must also be kept by 2 years after the completion of the request for verification by supervisory bodies or a request from consumers.

8. Call response deadline

The SAC decree also established that the consumer must receive a response”clear, objective and conclusive” in until 7 calendar days, counted from the request.

When it comes to cancellation, the consumer will have the right to immediate suspension, even if there are amounts to be paid or fines established in the contract. The company must also send a receipt to formalize the cancellation.

9. Accessibility at SAC

Finally, the decree also establishes the obligation for SAC channels to be accessible for people with disabilities. The National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon) will be responsible for determining the specific provisions for this purpose.

What happens if the SAC decree is not complied with?

Companies that fail to comply with the SAC decree will be subject to fines and other penalties described in Article 56 of the Consumer Protection Code.

In addition, Senacon will be responsible for monitoring regulated companies, analyzing their performance to ensure that the procedures are in accordance with the decree.

It is also important to know how to complain about a company that does not comply with a SAC decree and, to do so, the consumer must contact Procon unit closest.

Also read: What is SAC 3.0? Learn how to do + 7 benefits

The challenges of the SAC decree may be more or less complex to adapt according to the company's current structure.

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