How to improve customer support and provide an incredible experience?

Understand why to invest in service optimization and how to improve customer support by offering a higher quality experience.

Have you ever stopped to analyze whether your company's service enchants customers? Does your strategy have a “WOW” factor that scores positively? If your business hasn't reached that level yet, learn How to improve customer support can help achieve that goal.

That's because the quality of experience What the customer has with a brand directly affects their decision to continue doing business with it.

Uma Microsoft research pointed out that, in Brazil, 67% of consumers stated that they stopped buying from a company because of a poor experience. And for 82% of the Brazilians interviewed, expectations regarding customer support are higher than ever.

In other words, companies have constant work to develop in this area and clients are Precious fountains to achieve an increasingly satisfactory standard.

Do you want to place your business among the companies with the best customer support? Keep reading this article and learn valuable tips to apply to your business.

Have a good read!

Why improve customer service?

One of the reasons for improving customer service is that it can be done with the support of the customers themselves.

90% of consumers think that companies should provide opportunities for them to provide feedback on their experience with support.

So, maintaining a close relationship and including processes that involve the customer more with the company, can pay off valuable insights for business strategy.

In addition, this information can be used internally in discussions about how to standardize customer service, valuing the most important points of the journey, improving communication and constantly evaluating the results.

Thus, these are not about bureaucratic improvements in service, but about changes that will be valued by the business's target audience and that can increase the level of customer satisfaction more and more.

5 tips on how to improve customer support

To learn how to provide an incredible customer support experience, Customer Experience (CX) area) is a great ally.

By understanding what to prioritize in customer service, your company can improve the results of the main indicators and progressively increase the level of service experience.

To guide this change, we've compiled below a list of tips on how to improve customer support. Check it out!

1. Have a customer-based strategy

In service, there is a strategy called Customer First, which can literally be translated as 'the customer first'. This means that the actions are designed and guided by the customer's needs.

Each company has a consumer profile, so to improve customer support it is important to know them thoroughly and extract insights from their behavior.

Regardless of whether it's a B2B or B2C company, when it comes to CX, every function, team, channel, and platform plays an important role in delivering a good experience.

To create a good customer-first strategy, follow the tips below:

  • Anticipate the needs of your customers;
  • Encourage and provide space for more detailed feedback in satisfaction surveys;
  • Be an open and accessible brand for customers, always responding to interactions;
  • Offer varied channels so that the customer can also be proactive when solving their questions.

Also read: How to innovate in customer service? 5 tips for companies.

2. Include real-time service channels

A agility in the answers it is also a fundamental factor in the experience. In the Microsoft survey mentioned above, 39% of Brazilian respondents stated that they expect to be answered within an hour. Right behind are 29% who expect immediate feedback.

Then, it is important to assess which service channels are currently active and include real-time service options such as live chat, service via WhatsApp or a chatbot.

Of course, it is also necessary to consider the capacity of the team, since it is necessary to have a sufficient number of attendants to cover these channels and really improve customer support.

3. Modernize the service structure

Telephone, email, social networks, live chat, WhatsApp, SMS are just some of the possibilities that may be in a company's mix of communication channels.

However, managing all of these options simultaneously is a challenge when the goal is to improve customer support. For this reason, the modernization of the service structure makes a difference.

Os customer service software, especially those that allow omnichannel service, that is, with all channels integrated into a single platform, allow the automation of the service flow, improving ticket distribution, response time, sending satisfaction surveys and much more.

Learn about three system options — Front App vs Zendesk vs Intercom — and compare the features of each help desk option.

4. Use customer feedback to create actions

To improve customer support, it's important transform the collected feedback into practical actions within the company. Especially when an improvement is noticed by several consumers.

Then, define a responsible person to filter and analyze the opinions collected, take this information to be discussed at meetings and plan actions, and then put them into practice.

When a suggestion becomes a real action, it is even valid to inform customers that their improvement was useful and implemented.

5. Follow the service indicators

Os service indicators are important data to improve customer support and the quality of the experience. They are also a form of feedback on the efficiency of the processes used and help when making decisions.

Some indicators are traditional and calculated in every business, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), among others. However, each company can have its List of service metrics Essentials.

After selecting those that are most useful for monitoring performance, define a Frequency for evaluation and monitoring of the evolution of the results.

Thus, the numbers will be really useful and will eliminate “guesses” from conversations, increasing the quality of deliveries.

How to provide the best customer support?

To know what and how to improve customer support, it is necessary to understand where the opportunities of development.

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