How to improve customer relationships and stand out in the market?

Learn how to improve customer relationships with strategic actions that increase public loyalty and revenue at the end of the month.

The company that wants to stand out in the market and create a solid and lasting competitive advantage needs to know how to improve customer relationships. After all, the public is the one who drives the brand to success.

When the relationship is meaningful and based on trust and transparency, the customer becomes a brand ambassador: he recommends it to friends and family.

For this reason, it is essential that each and every business implements culture customer-centric in each sector. The customer must be the focus of the actions and improvements carried out internally.

But how do you build and improve that relationship? Check out infallible tips to put into practice right now!

Why invest in good customer relations?

O relationship with the customer dictates the company's ability to leverage sales or remain stagnant. Satisfied customers shop in the same place and even recommend the product or service to whoever they can.

It's like it's a pride factor, you know? They must think more or less like this: “look, I found a great company! You can trust me, because I was very well served and the product/service is of high quality...”.

But in addition to the advantage of making customers brand ambassadors, there are others. How to:

  • greater loyalty and increase in recurring purchases;
  • customer sense of belonging, appreciation and recognition;
  • higher revenue;
  • identification of new business opportunities;
  • possibility of making internal improvements that directly impact the quality of the sale and the products/services offered.

How to improve customer relationships?

According to marketing guru Philip Kotler, acquiring new customers costs 5 to 7 times more than keeping a current one.

Therefore, it is essential that small to large companies know how to improve customer relationships in the long term to become a reference in the quality of business-consumer interaction.

Do you want to learn how to improve this relationship? See valuable tips below!

1. Study your audience

When buying a gift, do you think about your taste or the preferences of the person who will receive it? The same logic applies in the corporate world.

To satisfy a customer, it's vital to know what they prefer and what their needs are. That's the only way you can deliver what the audience wants. Or rather: it can exceed expectations of him!

Therefore, study your client deeply, create business personas and follow their behaviors, challenges, pain, desires, etc.

2. Get to know your product or service

Any relationship is based on trust. That is, the customer only creates this connection with the company if it is transparent, honest and sincere in all the interactions carried out.

Therefore, get to know the solution offered in depth. Be thorough, focus on the details and all the benefits. That way the customer will have confidence that you understand the subject and can really help them.

3. Respond with empathy

O customer service you need to be empathetic. It's not enough for the seller or support professional to provide information about the product or service. It is necessary to listen to the customer, put yourself in their shoes and do everything to help them. Think about how you would like to be treated.

Empathy strengthens the bond with the other person. But for it to happen properly, it is also necessary to develop active listening. That is, to listen with full attention to what is being said and to say only what is necessary, putting the customer first.

4. Personalize the service

Personalized service is another relevant factor in building a good relationship with the customer. He feels heard, valued, and recognized by the company.

But how to do that? A great example is the use of the system of Sales CRM which provides the customer's entire history, with purchases made, deals in progress, stage where the customer is in the sales funnel, their preferences and their challenges.

It's not enough just to call the customer by name. It is necessary to show that the company is organized and has data that does not need to be repeated.

In addition, with access to history, it is possible to offer products or services that complement previous purchases, anticipating the needs of the public.

5. Train the team

Of course, everyone has their talent. But other behavioral and technical skills can be developed to align the actions performed by employees.

The idea is empower all teams that directly serve customers on a daily basis. That way, the public will have first-rate service on any contact channel that they interact with the brand.

The customer experience must be complete and encompass all phases of the business process.

6. Invest in technology

All the tips given above can be easily carried out when there is a support that gathers strategic data from each client. And this can only be done with the use of technology. Can you imagine searching through dozens of sheets of paper or Word and Excel files for information about a particular consumer? It's humanly impossible.

Therefore, use a CRM system that adds value and helps to leverage results. In addition to providing the entire customer history, it suggests the best time to follow up and schedule tasks, issuing reminders so that no one forgets appointments.

Another positive point is the business overview and the identification of new opportunities. For example: if the customer has already purchased a product X, it is recommended to offer the new version of that item, isn't it?

The CRM software also integrates all customer contact channels in one place. That is, just access a single page to see what was discussed in the site's chat, in messages on social networks or WhatsApp, by e-mail, during phone calls, etc.

The most important thing is to study how to improve customer relationships and develop strategies that think about their experience with the brand. From end to end of the sales process.

The more aligned the teams are, the more complete the service will be and, consequently, the safer the customer will be. Therefore, it is possible that he will remember your company every time he needs a certain product or service.

Loyalty must focus on the long term and actions to improve customer relationships must be constant. Start applying these tips right now and see how they impact your brand's revenue and visibility.

This article was written by Júlio Paulillo, Co-founder and CRO of Agendor, a CRM platform that acts as a personal assistant for sales teams, giving visibility and control in management from the first day of use.


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