4 tips on how to improve a knowledge base

Every company must have a central document that provides learning and guidance about the daily work of its employees. In this sense, some points must be taken into account for those who want to learn how to improve a knowledge base so that it is efficient in transmitting organizational culture and improving internal processes.

The knowledge base is a dynamic document that must be adapted periodically according to daily experiences in the organizational universe and with the exchange of experience between employees.

In particular, we are living in times of digital transformation. This means that working conditions and market demands are often undergoing changes.

In view of this, organizations must remain attentive and open so that they can improve themselves and achieve better results over time.

With that in mind, we separated four tips on how to improve an organizational knowledge base. These are specific suggestions that, if applied, can make a lot of difference in the performance and well-being of companies. Check it out!

How to improve a company's knowledge base

1. Ask for input from employees and collaborators

At the end of the day, employees are the soul of a company and the human material that makes processes happen on a daily basis. Being face to face with processes and situations can make them fundamental pieces for obtaining relevant insights.

A consumer support professional may notice the repetition of some patterns in customer service that are not explored in the best possible way by the company. He is able to notice, for example, an approach method that can be more efficient and faster in solving the consumer's problem and bring this to the debate with his team and superiors.

In view of this, the company needs to create a favorable environment so that its professionals feel comfortable bringing new ideas or pointing out problems that need to be corrected. These insights, if relevant, can be used as a knowledge base tool.

This feedback is essential not only for improving processes, but also for strengthening employees' sense of belonging.

2. Facilitate access to the knowledge base

We mentioned in the introduction that we are living in times of digital transformation, remember? This context also requires that internal processes are also adapted to the demands of this new reality.

Thus, a great tip on how to improve a knowledge base is to take it to a digital platform so that it can be easily accessed by collaborators on the organization's computers and other devices.

But how do you structure a digital knowledge base? Using what digital spaces offer best:

  • division of topics into a menu;
  • making it easy to navigate between pages and subjects of interest;
  • creating shortcuts and search tools to find topics in a more agile way.

This organization on a digital platform will make the employees' work more agile and efficient. When an attendant has a question regarding a customer's demand, they can quickly consult it in the digital knowledge base and thus solve the problem.

3. Strengthen organizational culture

Organizational culture must be well aligned with the company's knowledge base. After all, if you are going to build a learning document to organize processes and methods of action in specific situations, they need to dialogue with the mission and values of the business.

A service team, for example, represents the company in external contact with customers. Then they must have well assimilated the ethical principles of the organization when making a decision and relating to the public.

The importance of the knowledge base, when aligned with the organizational culture, is to give more autonomy and increase the sense of integration of employees in the work environment and the brand they represent.

4. Invest in specialized advice

Studying processes thoroughly and investigating improvement points is essential for those who want to learn how to improve a knowledge base.

In this sense, a great solution is to have the help of an outsourced consultancy to prepare this document or simply add to an existing one.

A Cloud Humans, for example, provides customer service support for companies looking for ways to optimize this area.

In a project focused on customer experience, Cloud Humans offers its own customer service, based on the personalization of the tone of voice and empathy with the consumer, in addition to being responsible for creating a knowledge base with the objective of ensuring quality of service and boosting results.

Investing in a solution that doesn't even delegate the creation of such an important document to specialized professionals, thus reducing costs, improving the customer experience and optimizing service metrics.

So, did you like our text? Did you understand the benefits of the knowledge base for a company? For more articles other than this one, stay tuned for the news from Cloud Humans blog.


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