How to measure CSAT: scales for assessment + examples

Understand what it is, the types of possible scales for assessment questions, and how to measure CSAT and track satisfaction results.

The Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), which stands for 'customer satisfaction score', is one of the service indicators that must be monitored to ensure the quality of the service experience provided to customers. But do you know How to measure CSAT in practice?

As different scales can be applied to the answer to a question about customer satisfaction, the way to measure this indicator varies, but it is not a complex task.

On the contrary, it is possible to calculate both manually and automatically using programs that already offer the average automatically, as new evaluations are included.

To help you understand how this process works, we explain in this article the types of scales used and how to measure CSAT with examples. Read on and learn!

What is the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)?

O Customer Satisfaction Score, better known by the acronym CSAT, is a customer service indicator that assesses the degree of satisfaction with the interaction with a company.

This degree of satisfaction can be measured in different ways, using both qualitative (stars, colored emoji, scroll up or down) and quantitative (numerical scales) scales.

Usually, the CSAT survey is submitted as soon as the interaction is finished such as at the conclusion of the sale, after a support service, after the provision of the service, or to assess satisfaction with a specific aspect such as delivery, product, payment method, etc.

For this reason, the CSAT is called transactional indicator, because research can be included at different moments in the customer journey.

Thus, companies are able to carefully select and evaluate the processes that are crucial for successful sales and after-sales service. In addition, of course, to raise improvement points to optimize what is not working.

Also read: 5 tips from actions to increase customer satisfaction.

What types of scales are possible for CSAT?

As we mentioned above, there are different types of scales possible to apply when setting up a CSAT survey. For a more detailed look, we've listed each one below.

Qualitative scale

The qualitative scale for a CSAT question can be illustrated by:

  • Colourful emojis with different expressions: they serve to assemble a scale with options such as dissatisfied, neutral, and satisfied;
  • stars: generally, the rating ranges from 1 to 5 stars;
  • Scroll up or down: symbolizes' yes' and 'no' in the most current internet language.

It should be noted that along with the CSAT question and the answer options comes a Follow-up question asking the customer to explain the reason for their assessment.

This helps the opinion to come up with some detail that reinforces a correct answer or points to an improvement to be worked on.

Quantitative scale

The quantitative scale, on the other hand, consists of a numerical scale that can vary in length. Many companies use the Likert Scale (odd number with a neutral option), which are:

  • from 1 to 5;
  • from 1 to 7;
  • from 1 to 10.

This type of scale generates an average that may or may not be disclosed to the public. Remember that the evaluation of products and services is interesting to be available, as are the comments of the users.

Also read: 5 tips from How to innovate in customer service in companies.

How to measure CSAT?

Each company can choose the best scale for the CSAT surveys it applies, diversifying according to the point of customer journey in which it is included.

When measuring the CSAT, that is, measuring the results obtained as a whole, the calculation is also different depending on the scale used. Here are some examples of how to calculate CSAT:

1. Do the weighted average of the score

The first way to measure CSAT is to do a Weighted average of the grades given in the assessment question. This method is applicable on any of the Likert numerical scales.

First, it is necessary to multiply the score by the number of times it was given and then add up to obtain the result of the score. Then, that first result is divided by the sum of the number of people who answered the survey.

CSAT Average = (Sum of all scores) ÷ (Sum of the number of respondents)

Example: Suppose that customers must answer 1 to 5 the question: “How do you rate the service you just received?” To calculate the average CSAT for the day, the following calculation is made:

CSAT Average = (2x1 + 1x2 + 2x3 + 5x4 + 7x5) ÷ (2 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 7) = 65 ÷ 17

CSAT Average = 3.82.

2. Percentage of satisfied X dissatisfied

In qualitative research that uses, for example, three faces to illustrate the satisfied, neutral, and dissatisfied scale, it is also possible to measure the CSAT result.

In this case, the total number of happy faces will be divided by the total number of answers obtained on the day (it can be week, month, year).

For example: in one day, 63 calls were received and 47 clicked on the happy face. In this way, the calculation of the average is as follows:

CSAT Average = 47 ÷ 63

CSAT Average = 0.74 x 100

CSAT Average = 74%

3. Star rating

To measure CSAT using the star rating - very common when evaluating products, but it can also be used for services - simply multiply the number of reviews that each star received by the number of stars, add the amount and then divide by the total number of reviews performed

An example: suppose a product had 5.890 reviews and the distribution of stars was as follows:

  • 3648 - 5 stars
  • 1,012 - 4 stars
  • 561 - 3 stars
  • 337 - 2 stars
  • 332 - 1 star

CSAT Average = (3,648x5 + 1,012x4 + 561x3 + 337x2 + 332x1) ÷ 5,890 = 4.2

We explained above the manual calculation to measure the CSAT according to the scale used, but it is important to note that most companies use service software and sales systems that automatically average.

In addition to the CSAT, there are other indicators such as the Customer Effort Score (CES) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) that complement the panorama of customer satisfaction with the company.

So, avoid using just one indicator as a parameter and make an integrated assessment, including the results of other metrics.

Check out a full list of What are the service indicators that must be accompanied in a business.

How to improve your company's CSAT?

To improve CSAT results, it is important that each process in the customer journey is well executed. The service, for example, requires well-trained agents who master the support flow, resolving calls with agility and efficiency.

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