5 actions to increase customer satisfaction

Understand the satisfaction factors, learn tips for actions to increase customer satisfaction, and also how to measure the levels achieved.

With competition on the rise in the market, the tendency is for brands to bet more and more on actions to increase customer satisfaction.

Among several studies already published, it is estimated that acquiring a new customer costs Five to 25 times more than retaining an existing customer. And it makes sense, especially if the company knows the satisfaction factors that most impact its customers.

That's because increasing the retention rate by 5%, is a company able to increase profits between 25% to 95%, second Frederick Reichheld from Bain & Company — who is none other than the inventor of the Net Promoter Score (NPS), one of the metrics that assess the level of customer satisfaction.

To learn more about this topic, read on and learn about the factors that influence customer satisfaction, how to know the level of satisfaction and what to do to improve this result.

What are the factors that influence customer satisfaction?

Os customer satisfaction factors can be analyzed in different ways and with the support of tools and theories that deepen the understanding of the company's target audience.

A Maslow's Pyramid, also known as the Theory of the Hierarchy of Human Needs, is one of those analysis tools. It was presented by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in the article “The Theory of Human Motivation”, published in the journal Psychological Review in 1943.

But what does this theory have to do with customer satisfaction? Maslow presented in his article five categories of needs that people seek to achieve throughout their lives.

These needs can be connected to standard of good service that a company wishes to offer to meet the expectations of its customers.

At the primary level, the need for security is associated with trust in the brand and its processes and that they will provide the right answers to what the customer is looking for.

Going further, the aspect social of the human need to communicate involves doing so with agility. So a company that equips its support sector with good tools and provides quick answers to customers is able to meet this aspect.

To have a customer even more satisfied with the service offered, it is necessary to demonstrate estimates for him, in other words, the company needs to have a humanized service that prioritizes empathy in contacts so that the customer realizes that he is valued.

The top of Maslow's pyramid is equivalent to the maximum level of excellence that the company can offer with its customer service, providing the feeling of personal achievement in the relationship with the brand.

In other words, at this point, the customer is sure that they have chosen the right company to work for or to buy. This result comes spontaneously, as soon as there is a consensus among customers on how proactive the service is and always delivers 'something more' to make them satisfied.

This theory is very useful, as it guides the analysis of what the company is offering, whether it is managing to meet the needs expected by its target audience, and what can still be improved to increase customer satisfaction with the service.

5 actions to increase customer satisfaction

To help you identify some improvement points in your company's service, we have collected five actions below to increase customer satisfaction. Check it out!

1. Create expectations based on your current ability to meet them

Customers have expectations and want to relate to companies capable of meeting them. This need for security, illustrated in Maslow's Pyramid, reinforces the importance of aligning discourse with practice.

So, the first action to increase customer satisfaction is Know those expectations.

Then review your current capacity to meet all identified needs. For example: is it feasible to have more channels for contact or to extend the opening hours with the current number of agents?

Thus, instead of making both changes at once, the company can prioritize an improvement and, after an expansion of the team, add the second.

2. Experience the company's service journey

One of the internal actions to increase customer satisfaction is to “infiltrate” a team member into the buying journey to Experience the company's service experience.

The objective is for it to go through all the touchpoints through which customers interact before, during, or after the purchase to note critical points and processes that are not going as expected and then work to improve them with the rest of the group.

This is a simple strategy to verify that the needs of each stage of the pyramid are connected to the processes and that they lead to your objective.

3. Train and qualify the team

Develop team skills with trainings it is also one of the actions to increase customer satisfaction.

It is necessary to have a wealth of knowledge to connect human needs with the needs of good customer service. The more qualified the team, the better the attendants' ability to talk and solve customer problems with speed, respect, and efficiency.

4. Build a community

Your customer base can become one active and involved community, increasing engagement and creating a close relationship with the brand. This is equivalent to reaching the top of the pyramid, providing genuine personal fulfillment with the company's service.

This depends on humanized and close customer service to meet their need for esteem, as highlighted by Maslow, which is associated with feeling respected and, thus, building trust in the brand.

5. Reduce wait times

A speed of service it is very important to offer support that helps the customer whenever they need it. So the less he has to wait the better.

Implement new tools, review process steps, and create a knowledge base to contribute to the safety and quality of communication in service..

How to know the level of customer satisfaction?

Part of the job of planning actions to increase customer satisfaction is to measure the level of satisfaction obtained.

This analysis is carried out with the support of several indicators related to customer service and the experience he had with the brand. Some of the key examples are:

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

O Net Promoter Score or NPS it is one of the most well-known ways to measure the level of customer satisfaction. With a simple question, which is generally “On a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you recommend the company/product/service to a friend or family member?” , the customer makes their assessment.

Below the question is numbered from 1 to 10 for the customer to mark and send their answer. That way, the company knows the number of customers prosecutors (notes 9 and 10), neutrals (notes 7 and 8) and detractors (scores from 0 to 6), which gives a dimension of the level of satisfaction.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

O CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score It is a survey format that is widely used in evaluating customer service and is applied immediately after the online call or by phone.

The format is simple: the customer answers the question “How do you rate your satisfaction with the support received?” , giving a score of 1 to 5. Each type of support can have its average CSAT, which allows us to evaluate each of the service levels.

First Response Time (FRT)

O First Response Time (FRT) is the average time it takes for an attendant to provide the initial response to a customer request or support ticket. This average comes from dividing the total time taken to send the first response (in hours or minutes in a day) by the total number of calls received.

Being able to quickly identify what the customer needs demonstrates that the company is committed to customer satisfaction and the maturity of the service team.

Improve the quality of your service

To increase customer satisfaction, it is necessary to have a team that can efficiently execute the standards established by the company.

A Cloud Humans can be your partner in this work, connecting your company with professionals empowered by automation tools, ensuring a humanized, fast and assertive service or your money back!

Talk to our experts who are available to present our solution and show how much it can help them achieve their business objectives.


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